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Oak Street Health

Oak Street Health: Revolutionizing Medicare Healthcare for Seniors

In the bustling world of healthcare, where appointments are rushed and patients often feel like just another number on a chart, Oak Street Health stands out as a beacon of hope for seniors on Medicare. Founded in 2012, this innovative healthcare company is revolutionizing the way older adults receive medical care, putting the focus back where it belongs – on the patient. At Oak Street Health, the mission is simple yet profound: to provide high-quality, patient-centered services that prioritize the well-being of each individual. This commitment to value-based care has earned Oak Street Health a reputation as a leader in the industry, setting the standard for excellence in senior healthcare. The Oak Street Health Model This approach to healthcare is centered around the concept of value-based care. This means that the company is incentivized to provide high-quality, cost-effective care that improves patient outcomes, rather than simply generating revenue through volume-based services. The Oak Street Health model is built around three core principles: Patient-Centered Care: The teams dedicated to providing personalized, compassionate care that addresses the unique needs and goals of each patient. Value-Based Care: The company’s payment model  tied to patient outcomes, ensuring that care teams  incentivized to provide high-quality, cost-effective care. Data-Driven Decision Making: It leverages advanced data analytics to inform care decisions, identify areas for improvement, and optimize patient outcomes. Services Offered by Oak Street Health It offers a comprehensive range of services designed to meet the unique needs of adults on Medicare. These services include: Primary Care: The primary care physicians provide routine check-ups, chronic disease management, and acute care services. Specialty Care: The company offers a range of specialty services, including cardiology, nephrology, and podiatry. Urgent Care: It’s urgent care services provide patients with timely, convenient access to care for non-emergency conditions. Care Coordination: The company’s care coordination services ensure that patients receive seamless, integrated care across all settings.  Benefits of Oak Street Health Oak Street Health’s innovative approach to healthcare offers numerous benefits to patients, including: Improved Health Outcomes: The company’s focus on value-based care and patient-centered services. It leads to better health outcomes and improved patient satisfaction. Increased Accessibility: The convenient, community-based locations make it easier for patients to access care. Reduced Costs: The company’s value-based payment model helps to reduce healthcare costs, making high-quality care more affordable for patients. Real-Life Examples of Oak Street Health in Action Patient Story: A 75-year-old patient with diabetes and hypertension credits Oak Street Health’s care team with helping her manage her conditions and improve her overall health. Care Coordination: It’s care coordination services help a patient with complex medical needs navigate the healthcare system, ensuring that she receives seamless, integrated care. Awards and Recognition Oak Street Health has received numerous awards and recognition for its innovative approach to healthcare, including: Forbes’ America’s Best Startup Employers: It  named one of Forbes’ America’s Best Startup Employers in 2022. Modern Healthcare’s Best Places to Work: The company  recognized as one of Modern Healthcare’s. Thw best Places to Work in 2022. But it doesn’t stop there. In addition to providing top-notch medical care. The company also offers a range of services designed to support seniors in all aspects of their lives. From social activities and wellness programs to assistance with navigating the complexities of Medicare. Oak Street Health goes above and beyond to ensure that seniors have everything they need to thrive. Conclusion With a growing network of clinics across the United States,. This is on a mission to transform the way seniors experience healthcare. By putting the patient first and prioritizing quality and compassion in everything they do. It is setting a new standard for excellence in senior care. So if you or a loved one is on Medicare and looking for a healthcare provider that truly cares, look no further than this – where you’re not just a patient, you’re family.   You can also know about “Home Health Care Service” in the given link

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Cardio Before or After Weights

Cardio Before or After Weights: The Ultimate Guide to Optimizing

Cardio before or after weights? It’s a question that has been debated among fitness enthusiasts for years. Some swear by getting their heart rate up with a cardio session before hitting the weights, while others prefer to save their energy for lifting and do cardio after. So, what’s the best approach for you? Let’s dive into the pros and cons of each method and explore the factors that can help you make the best decision for your workout routine. The Case for Cardio Before Weights First, let’s talk about doing cardio before weights. One of the main benefits of starting your workout with cardio is that it can help warm up your muscles and get your heart pumping, which can help increase your overall performance during your weightlifting session. Additionally, doing cardio first can help you burn more calories overall, as your body will continue to burn calories at a higher rate even after you’ve finished your workout. Here are some motives why you would possibly need to don’t forget this approach: Improved Endurance: Cardio exercises like running, cycling, or swimming can help improve your overall endurance, which can then be applied to your weightlifting exercises. By doing cardio first, you can increase your stamina and prepare your body for the weightlifting to come. Increased Blood Flow: Cardio exercises get your heart rate up and increase blood flow to your muscles. This can help warm up your muscles and prepare them for weightlifting, reducing the risk of injury and improving overall performance. Better Warm-Up: Cardio exercises can serve as a dynamic warm-up, getting your muscles ready for the weightlifting exercises to come. This can be especially beneficial for those who struggle with mobility or flexibility. On the other hand, some argue that doing cardio before weights can fatigue your muscles, making it harder to lift heavy weights and potentially increasing your risk of injury. Additionally, if your main goal is to build muscle, starting with cardio may not be the most effective approach, as it can deplete your energy reserves before you even get to lifting. The Case for Cardio After Weights Now, let’s discuss the benefits of doing cardio after weights. By saving your cardio session for after your weightlifting session, you can ensure that you have enough energy to lift heavy and focus on building muscle. Additionally, doing cardio after weights can help with recovery, as it can help flush out lactic acid and reduce muscle soreness. Here are a few reasons why you might want to consider this approach: Fat Burning: When you’re weightlifting, you’re burning energy constantly. By doing this, you can take advantage of this energy expenditure and burn fat more efficiently. According to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, doing cardio after weights can increase the amount of fat burned during exercise. Increased Intensity: Doing it can allow you to push yourself harder and increase the intensity of your workout. Since you’ve already completed your weightlifting exercises, you can focus on giving it your all during cardio. Reduced Interference: Some research suggests that doing cardio before weights can interfere with your weightlifting performance. By doing cardio after weights, you can avoid this interference and focus on lifting to the best of your ability. However, some argue that doing cardio after weights may not be as effective for burning calories, as your body may not be in the same fat-burning mode as it would be if you started with cardio. Additionally, if you’re short on time, doing cardio after weights may not be feasible, as you may be too tired to give it your all. Factors to Consider So, how do you determine the best order for your workout? Consider your goals and preferences. If you’re looking to improve your cardiovascular fitness or burn more calories, starting with cardio may be the way to go. If your main focus is on building muscle and strength, saving cardio for after weights may be more beneficial.While the pros and cons of each approach are important to consider, there are several other factors that can influence your decision. Here are some matters to maintain in mind: Fitness Goals: What are your fitness goals? If you’re trying to burn fat and tone up, doing cardio after weights might be the better option. If you’re trying to build endurance and stamina, doing cardio before weights could be the way to go. Personal Preference: Let’s face it – some people just prefer to do cardio before weights, while others prefer to do it after. If you’re not a fan of cardio and would rather get it out of the way before moving on to weights, that’s perfectly fine. Type of Cardio: The type of cardio exercise you’re doing can also play a role in your decision. For example, if you’re doing high-intensity interval training (HIIT), it might be better to do it after weights to avoid fatigue. On the other hand, if you’re doing low-intensity cardio like jogging or cycling, it might be better to do it before weights to get your blood flowing and warm up your muscles. Conclusion In conclusion, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether to do cardio before or after weights. It ultimately comes down to your personal goals, preferences, and how your body responds to each method. Experiment with each methods and notice which one works quality for you. Remember, the maximum essential element is to live steady and pay attention in your body. Happy lifting! Here are some takeaways to hold in mind: If your primary goal is to burn fat and tone up, doing cardio after weights might be the better option. If your goal is to build endurance and stamina, doing cardio before weights could be the way to go. Personal preference plays a significant role in determining the order of your workout. The type of cardio exercise you’re doing can influence your decision. By considering these factors and finding a routine that

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climate change progress

Climate Change Progress: The Latest Updates on Climate in 2024

As we find ourselves in the year 2024, the looming shadow of the climate crisis continues to cast a dark cloud over our future. The urgency of the situation cannot be overstated – the time for action is now. But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there are glimmers of hope and progress that give us reason to believe that we can turn the tide against climate change. Global Temperature Rise One of the most pressing questions on everyone’s mind is: what progress have we made in combating climate change? The answer, as with most things related to the environment, is not black and white. There have been positive developments that give us reason to be optimistic, but there have also been frustrating setbacks that remind us of the uphill battle we face. The most pressing indicator of climate change is the rising global temperature. Since the 2000s, the term “climate change” has gained popularity, with various scientists, politicians, and media outlets using terms like “climate crisis” or “climate emergency” to describe the situation. The global surface temperature reconstruction over the last 2000 years using proxy data from tree rings, corals, and ice cores shows a steady increase in temperature, with the last decade being the warmest on record. On the positive side, there have been significant advancements in renewable energy technology. Solar and wind power are becoming more affordable and accessible, leading to a decrease in the reliance on fossil fuels. Countries around the world are setting ambitious targets for transitioning to clean energy sources, signaling a shift towards a more sustainable future. Additionally, there has been a growing awareness and mobilization around the issue of climate change. Youth-led movements like Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion have captured the attention of the world and put pressure on governments and corporations to take meaningful action. People are waking up to the reality of the climate crisis and demanding change at every level of society. Climate Action and Progress Despite the alarming temperature rise, there are reasons to be hopeful. Renewable energy capacity has hit record levels in 2019, with solar and wind power becoming increasingly cost-competitive with fossil fuels. The European Parliament has declared a climate emergency, and many countries have set ambitious targets to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. However, the progress is slow, and the current emissions trajectory has us headed for a 3°C warmer world. The Climate Action Tracker predicts 2.5 to 2.9°C of warming based on current policies and action, with pledges and government agreements taking this to 2.1°C. It would be remiss not to acknowledge the frustrating setbacks that have hindered our progress in combating climate change. The continued extraction and burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and unsustainable agricultural practices are contributing to the worsening of the crisis. Political inaction and denialism are also major obstacles that stand in the way of meaningful change. Despite those challenges, there’s motive to be hopeful. The momentum towards a more sustainable future is growing, and the voices calling for action are becoming louder and more united. We have the knowledge, technology, and resources to address the climate crisis – what we need now is the will and determination to make it happen.  What’s Next? The combat towards weather extrude is a way from over. We need to continue to push for more ambitious climate policies, invest in renewable energy, and reduce our carbon footprint. The progress we’ve made so far is encouraging, but we cannot afford to be complacent. The clock is ticking, and we must act now to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Conclusion In conclusion, the progress we have made in combating climate change is both inspiring and sobering. While there is still much work to be done, we must remain hopeful and committed to creating a more sustainable and equitable world for future generations. The time for action is now – let’s rise to the challenge and make a difference.

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ear infections

Are ear infections contagious : Separating Fact from Fiction

Have you ever found yourself wondering if ear infections are contagious? It’s a common question that many people have, so let’s dive into the topic and uncover the truth behind this common misconception. First and foremost, it’s important to understand that ear infections themselves are not contagious. That’s right – you can’t catch an ear infection from someone else who has one. However, the viruses and bacteria that can lead to ear infections are indeed contagious. This means that if someone has a cold or flu that is caused by a virus or bacteria, they can potentially spread that infection to another person, who may then develop an ear infection as a result. Causes of Ear Infections So, how does this happen? Well, when someone with a cold or flu sneezes or coughs, they release tiny droplets into the air that contain the virus or bacteria responsible for their illness. If these droplets come into contact with another person’s nose or mouth, they can easily be transmitted, leading to the potential development of an ear infection. These are generally caused by infections with viruses and bacteria. Some viruses that normally produce ear infections are bloodless viruses and influenza viruses (flu). Infection with the aid of using the respiration syncytial virus (RSV), an endemic that influences the lungs, can also additionally predispose to a bacterial ear infection, as can also additionally different respiration viruses. The maximum common bacterial reasons of ear infections are Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae. These are microorganism typically determined within side the nostril and throat without inflicting illness. Ear infections also are on occasion the byproduct of allergies, wherein the immune gadget reacts to materials that aren’t normally harmful. These include allergies to environmental factors like tree pollens, dust, and pet dander. Are Ear Infections Contagious? Ear infections themselves are not contagious. However, the viruses and microorganism that purpose them regularly are contagious. But fear not – there are steps you can take to help prevent the spread of these contagious viruses and bacteria. Good hygiene practices, such as washing your hands regularly, covering your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough, and avoiding close contact with those who are sick, can all help reduce the risk of spreading infections that could lead to ear infections. In addition, it’s important to remember that not all ear infections are caused by viruses or bacteria. In some cases, ear infections can be the result of other factors, such as allergies or a build-up of fluid in the ear. These types of ear infections are not contagious and are typically not passed from person to person. Who is at Risk? Some people are more at risk of developing ear infections than others. These include: Babies or young children: Children between 6 and 12 months of age are most likely to get ear infections. By age 5, many children have outgrown their tendency in the direction of ear infections. Children who attend day care Those with allergies Those exposed to cigarette smoke People who have a family history of ear infections  Symptoms of Ear Infections Symptoms of ear infections might start soon after your cold or whatever other illness is affecting your upper respiratory airways, like your nose and throat. Adults and older kids would possibly revel in the subsequent signs and symptoms in the event that they have an ear infection: Ear pain A feeling of fullness in the ear A general feeling of being unwell Nasal congestion Cough Lethargy Vomiting Diarrhea Young toddlers can’t let you know they’ve ear pain, so search for those signs: Tugging on one or both ears Irritability Fever Change in hearing (for example, not responding when you call their name) Balance problems Fluid draining from ears Treatment and Prevention Getting evaluated via way of means of your physician because of an ear contamination is important. Repeated ear infections in children, for example, can result in listening to loss and speech delays. Treatment for ear infections varies depending on the severity of the infection, how long it has lasted, and a person’s age. To prevent ear infections, you need to prevent the infections that cause them. Measures include: Do your best to steer clear of coughing, sneezing people. Wash your hands frequently (for a full 20 seconds). Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands (viruses like to gain entry into your body via these moist areas). Get vaccinated against viruses and bacteria like the flu, COVID-19, and Streptococcus pneumonia. Make positive your kids are contemporary on their vaccinations, too. Don’t smoke and avoid exposure to secondhand smoke. Breastfeed your baby for at least six months. Breast milk has antibodies that could push back infections. Don’t let your baby lie down while feeding. Drinking whilst in a inclined posture will increase the chance of ear infections. So, the next time you find yourself wondering if ear infections are contagious, remember this: while the viruses and bacteria that can cause them may be contagious, the infections themselves are not. By practicing good hygiene and taking steps to prevent the spread of illness, you can help protect yourself and others from developing ear infections.  Conclusion In conclusion, it’s important to separate fact from fiction when it comes to the contagious nature of ear infections. By understanding the role that viruses and bacteria play in the development of ear infections, you can take proactive steps to prevent the spread of illness and keep yourself and those around you healthy. Remember, knowledge is power – so arm yourself with the facts and take control of your health. Do you know about, “The benefits of cataract surgery and how it can improve your quality of life. “

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